“Expect the unexpected” - Steph Wilkinson gears up for WOMEX 2024

British Underground’s senior production manager Steph Wilkinson prepares for her third year producing the Horizons Regional Stage at WOMEX 2024, one of the most unique events in the worldwide music calendar.

For 10 years, the Horizons partners have joined together at WOMEX to ensure grassroots musicians reach wider audiences by providing advice, funding, showcasing opportunities and assistance at the event. At the heart of this partnership is Steph, who is nothing short of a powerhouse. Coordinating the activities of the Horizons partners, organising the Horizons stand design at the expo and keep UK delegates in the loop are just some the areas under her care. Steph also helps to coordinate the Horizons Regional Stage, where nine artists from the UK and Ireland will showcase their music across three nights this October in Manchester, England.

Baliyama Project represent England on the Horizons Regional Stage at WOMEX 2024.
Photo: Adeolu Osibodu

If you stand still for any longer that a few seconds at WOMEX, you’ll meet someone new, so it’s incredible for networking
— Steph Wilkinson

What is so special about WOMEX?

WOMEX allows artists from all over the world to collaborate and experience the global music scene – it’s where you’ll find Mongolia throat singing, Japanese folk fusion, Malawian dance music and even a 'one-man cassette tape manipulator' from Serbia all in once place. It’s even more special this year, as WOMEX is taking place in Manchester – the perfect setting for industry professionals from the UK to connect with international peers and hear some incredible music.

What is the HORIZONS partnership all about?

Horizons is a unique partnership made up of the five nations of England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, coming together at WOMEX to celebrate and promote our individual and collective musical heritage. It's the perfect platform to introduce our homegrown artists to the world. 

What can delegates expect at WOMEX?

The WOMEX expo and conference takes place over five days (23-27 October), and if you stand still for any longer that a few seconds, you’ll meet someone new, so it’s incredible for networking, The Horizons stand provides a hub for delegates and we host networking drinks every day at 4pm, which is a great time to wind down and meet people. There are also some great panel discussions and film showings at WOMEX (including British Underground’s own film 'The Broadside Hack’, exploring the impact of traditional folk songs on new musicians). And although it’s not all about winning, there’s also an awards ceremony on Sunday.

Steph on the Horizons stand, WOMEX 23

What excites you about this year's Horizons Regional Stage line-up?

That the nine artists are so different from one another. Each act offers a completely new perspective on music coming from our nations. Expect the unexpected.

What advice would you give to someone hoping to get into event production? 

Look at clever solutions to be as creative as possible within your budget. And from a practical stance, spreadsheets are your friend.

What are you looking forward to this October in Manchester at WOMEX?

Hanging out with the Horizons family and introducing our showcasing artists to the world.

What would you like to see in the future of world music?

Someone needs to make a documentary about what goes on a WOMEX to shine a brighter light on the global music scene, but I’m too busy...

If you’re from the UK or Ireland and want to visit WOMEX as a delegate, visit horizonsatwomex.com to apply for the HORIZONS delegate unique discount code.


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